Monday, December 29, 2008

The GRAND Canyon

We've arrived!!! Rosey did great, hauling us up nearly 7000ft
(however we were passed by full sized coaches occasionally up the
hills), and just in time to see the sun's last rays hitting the canyon

After 5 to 17 million years (depending which scientists you believe)
of erosion of the Colorado Plataeu, the Colorado River has exposed
rock between 230 million years old (near the rim) and 2 billion years
old (near the bottom). My photo, that took 1/200th of a second to
expose, really doesn't do the scale of the canyon any justice.

I believe the kids felt like they were traveling for about 5 million
years today, and were happy to be out of the bus. They were impressed
with how much snow and ice there was on the rim trail - scaring us by
skating along near the precipitous edge!

Top, or most often used, quotes: "Stay away from the edge!" and "Hold
my hand!"

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