Our adventures in a miniature marvel of engineering: A Volkswagen Vanagon Westfalia Camper!
Photo is Mae, posing in the local Domino's Pizza, in front of signed
Needles' high-school 2005 and 2006 vintage football shirts (American
football of course). It really begs the question as to which lucky
establishment earnt the honour of receiving the 2007 and 2008 shirts?
And why didn't Domino's get them?
Will post a less cynical entry soon...
Theo regularly displayed his awe for the view of the canyon with the
following request: "Can we have a snow ball fight now!?"
We're on the road again now. We're on our way to Needles, just
outside Mojave Desert Preserve. We wonder what they do in this small
town to celebrate new years eve - we will investigate and report back!!
Top quote of the journey so far: "Hurrah!!!" (from both boys, as we
play Star Wars II while Mae has a nap - thankfully they didn't shout
it loud enough to wake her).
Over and out...
Since the night temperatures are down to 17 F at night we chose to
stay at the Yavapai Lodge, which is simple but splendid with heating
et al. Of course, Rosey has still been utilized in her other roles as
transportation, cafe, tea maker, roof etc.
Today we dined out at the El Tovar Hotel which has a very cosy dining
room - see photo.
After 5 to 17 million years (depending which scientists you believe)
of erosion of the Colorado Plataeu, the Colorado River has exposed
rock between 230 million years old (near the rim) and 2 billion years
old (near the bottom). My photo, that took 1/200th of a second to
expose, really doesn't do the scale of the canyon any justice.
I believe the kids felt like they were traveling for about 5 million
years today, and were happy to be out of the bus. They were impressed
with how much snow and ice there was on the rim trail - scaring us by
skating along near the precipitous edge!
Top, or most often used, quotes: "Stay away from the edge!" and "Hold
my hand!"
Top song: Felix Navidad (our 3 year old does not want Christmas to end)
Top movie: Horton Hears a Who (Mae says a big thank you to Uncle
James and Auntie Carolyn and Cousin William!).
Most number of floors climbed: 109 (to get to the top of the
Stratosphere - which has the lofty title of 'tallest building in Vegas')
Total of budget consumed with gambling: $1 (by Kay, for four turns on
a 25c slot machine - won 10 more turns then lost)
Time it took Sam to change his mind about which was a nicer experience
(vs. Death Valley): 1 day
Time before we felt all 5 of our souls had been stripped raw, and we
needed to leave: 2 days
Number 1 quote (Theo, observing a truck with 'hot babes' plastered on
it): "Hot Baby's??! What does that mean?"
Number of shows seen: 1. The Tournament of Kings, which was actually
reasonably splendid, especially for the young'n's.
Percent of show heard by Theo: 10% (because he covered his ears for
most of it due to fear of fire works - which probably took up 0.001%
of it).
When asked, Sam said he prefers Las Vegas to Death Valley because the
lights are pretty! Have we failed as parents!? Just 10 minutes in
M&M World (4 floors!!!) sucked the soul out of us.
Still, it is a lively, fascinating place, the lights are quite
mesmerizing and it is soooo nice to have a good shower in a hotel
room. We're staying on the Strip at the Excalibur, and tomorrow we
watch their 'Tournament of King's' show.
Top quote reflects how used to traveling the kids have become. This
is Theo, after a three and a half hour drive: "Are we there already?!"
Top quote is Kay (as we pass through first town en route): "Oooh
look, Starbucks"
Top tune (as Vegas comes into view): "New Slang" by the Shins.
Signing out since... WE'RE AT VEGAS BABY!!!
Today we have (1) opened presents (Santa was very kind) (2) hidden
from the wind which started this morning and (3) had occasional light-
saber battles in the resulting sand-storm (so THAT'S how those sand
dunes were made!)
We would be calling family and friends, however there isn't any phone
service here - just occasional wifi via sneaking around outside the
I asked everyone in the van what their message to the blog is, so here
goes, in no particular order:
Sam: "Merry Christmas everybody and a happy new year!"
Mae: "Twenty three!"
Theo: "I got the movie for Star Wars, and it was 1, 2 and 3, for
Christmas. We made our own stockings out of paper bags!"
Kay: "Looking forward to wishing you a merry Christmas when we reach
the civilization(!) of Las Vegas!"
Paul: "With that, I'm not sure there's much else to say!"
Since more qoutes have been requested, here is one from Theo, as we
sit inside Rosey, enjoying sandwiches for lunch:
'Do you know what the best sandwich of my life is? Pickle and cheese!'
Hope you're all having a jolly day!
Mae also managed to gain a nice moustache due to adhesion of sand to a
running nose.
Earlier in the day we had lunch at the Furnace Creek lodge. There was
a conversation between Kay and Mae which was a bit a la Little
Britain, I quote here:
K: now would you like a grilled cheese sandwich or hot dog?
M: hot dog
K: are you sure?
M: I want a hot dog!
K: are you sure, you didn't enjoy it last time?
M: I want it!
K: Sam is having a sandwich, I think you'ld enjoy that more..
M: Hot dog!!!
(...a few minutes later, waitress comes with hot dog...)
M: I want a sandwich!
Top tune: 'Santa Claus is coming to town' (and tonight's the night,
so sing it Jacko!!!)
Photo is of Rosey parked up at Furnace Creek campground (haven't
downloaded dune shots yet).
Today we are going to try to get to the sand dunes and then prepare
for Christmas day...
Day 2: Visited the Golden Canyon (we understand the geological
significance of alluvial fans now) and Artist's Palette (super
colourful mineral deposits) and all the boys took a bike ride.
Day 3: The tall, narrow and winding Titus Canyon, then on to Ubehebe
Crater (with little Hebe Crater too) - probably the most impressive
feature of the park for the young'n's - they hiked miles - and,
finally, ate out for a change. We had an interesting night too: Sam
managed to fall from the pop-top bunk in his sleep - thankfully
suffering only a minor bump to the head - our tiny Christmas tree took
the brunt of the fall!
Today: Badwater salt flats, the lowest place in North America -
where, after a hike through 3" thick slabs of crystalized salt we had
Heinz Baked Beans on toast for lunch, then another hike up a canyon to
Natural Bridge, then Devil's Golf Course where we saw spikes of salt
that had been shaped by wind and water, and then we ended the day with
milkshakes all round! Marvellous!
After all the dirt roads Rosey has an impressive layer of dust on her
paint. Our clothes have a similar appearance, so an exciting trip to
the laundramat planned next! Rosey will have to wait.
Will post some more pretty photos of our sights soon.
Top song (both on radio and sung by all): Jingle Bell Rock
Top quote: Mae randomly saying "not too shabby!" (having picked it up
from Adam Sandlers Chanukah song)
Photo here is Rosey setup on our first night at Furnace Creek with
colourful lights (LED, so they can run off our little inverter and not
deplete the little 12v marine battery) to help guide Santa to us on
Christmas day...
As we descend down from the Panamint range, entering the park from the
west, it strikes us that the landscape is like nothing we've ever seen
before. For some reason (despite being better informed) I was still
expecting flat sandy emptiness. Within a day's exploration you
realise how varied a desert can be. Make no mistake though, while it
is very pleasant in winter, it is evidently a harsh place in the
summer - we saw occasional road-burn marks where some unfortunate
soul's car had packed in under the heat.
Since we're at DV a day early (Kern River was TOO cold), we stay in
Stovepipe Wells first - which is nothing to write home about - and the
campsite looked like it was once a mall car park - ugh!
The next morning (Saturday? We're losing track..) we take a leasurely
approach to introducing ourselves to the park and making our way to
Furnace Creek, where we'll stay 6 nights... (4 more to go as I write
We start with Mosaic Canyon (not Marble Canyon as I posted earlier)
which is a scramble up an intricate, visually stunning, tall and
narrow Canyon that appears to be made of a mosaic of marble and other
polished stones. It feels like the scene in Star Wars where Luke is
trying to find Obi-Wan, so we pretend be Sand people!
Next is Salt Creek, pictured here, and shows amazingly that there is
life (pup fish and plants) despite the elements.
We finally get to the campground at Furnace Creek and are pleased to
find it's a pleasent place. We lash the Chistmas lights to Rosey and
settle down for a nights rest before lots of sight seeing...
More soon.