We're home!! Thought I'd make this post (the last of our Thanksgiving trip series) more of a picture diary:

Kay making fried eggs for lunch, beach-side - great on those cooler days (we had a few!)

Kids enjoying the net result.

Kay and Mae in the evening sun at Van Damme State Beach (we camped just up river from here)

Theo drawing the night sky as dusk envelopes us at Salt Point State Park

Dusk at Salt Point State Park

Sam and Theo

Theo and Mae

Mae at sunset at Salt Point State Park

Dew in the grass at Salt Point

Another Salt Point sunset shot

Misty moment at Salt Point

Roadside shot, traveling back south between Van Damme and Salt Point

Hand made ice-cream at Mendocino

Dark closes in early in the winter



Rosey's charms... (these from Santa Cruz of course)
I like camping, and i like the pictures at your blog! ;-)