Monday, November 10, 2008

Rosey accommodates five...

Here's Mae in her brand new, fan-dabby-dosey cot!

Speaking of bed's, we've headed out to Big Sur to 'bed in' Rosey's brand new (well, rebuilt) engine. Very perky she is too... (so she should be for over $4k)

Best tune on the journey: Catatonia, Dead from the Waist Down (sing, "... like in Californiyaaay..."), whilst stuck in traffic on the 101.

Worst moment: Theo and Mae fighting over 'arm space'; Hopefully not a sign of things to come on our bigger trip to Death Valley...


  1. Sweet!

    Somewhere along the line I missed that you named the van after out daughter!


  2. Ha! So it is! Coincidence, and a nice one: Sam came up with it on our maiden voyage from Tahoe... 'Rosey' reflected the paint colour.
