Thursday, September 3, 2009


Rosie broke down.... well kind of... actually she just ran out of petrol. It was just that it look me about 45 minutes of tinkering the engine bay to work it out! Mum very kindly thumbed a lift off a kind lady to get to the garage 2 miles down the road.
After all that adventure we were ready for some escapism and camped at Tintagel, home of the castle of Arthurian legend... more on that tomorrow... for now we are chilling out at the local fish restaurant - yum!

1 comment:

  1. I'd like to pretend that I thought the car wouldn't die on you during the holiday. Running out of petrol is not the problem I'd have thought of.

    I require more stories about the 22uF tantalum capacitor! Does it have low ESR?
