...YES!! We're home!
The kids are a little stir crazy after nearly 6 hours of travel today, but still managed to get excited when they saw that Santa had made a second visit, to our home (as well as calling at Furnace Creek campground)... what lucky rascals!
The journey was pleasantly uneventful. Here are some photo's from the day:
- We noted an impressive number wind-farms along highway 58:

- Before feeling like we were properly re-joining the rat-race on highways 99, 5 and of course the 101:
- Kids were very well behaved and glad to be nearly home (sorry for image quality; iPhone lens was scratched by Death Valley dune sand):
Top quote for today was from the little C-3P0 android that sits on the dash and quotes Star Wars on demand: "Thank the maker!" (very appropriate, given Rosey had made it the whole way without trouble, despite being 19, nearly 20, years old)
To finish, I thought I'd share a couple of photo's I particularly like from our overall trip:
- Sam and Theo admiring rock structure in Death Valley (it was a brief moment! I'm amazed I captured it):
- Mae is pleased with her hiking ability up Golden Canyon in Death Valley (worth a click to enlarge):

That's the end of our travels... for now at least. Thanks for following, as well as the comments and e-mails along the way!
To end on a cliche (I can't help myself), here is a quote from Hemingway: "It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end"
Over and out!!!
P, K, S, T and M xxx
You guys are our heroes! Mojave / Red Rock, ghost towns, Joshua Trees, Needles, Grand Canyon, snow men, Desert View tower, Hoover Dam, Las Vegas, Death Valley, Sand Dunes and Sand Angels, Bad Water and Natural Bridge, Titus Canyon, Golden Canyon, Marble Canyon, Ubehebe, Rivers, Lakes, Giant Redwoods, Christmas and New Year, California Nevada and Arizona, and three kids :-) ... It all looks like an awe-inpiring experience, now please have some rest before you put the rest of us to even more shame. :-)
ReplyDeleteThanks Duncan - very kind, though we are a LITTLE bit tired: Most of us didn't even leave the house today...
ReplyDeleteWill be in touch soon,
P, K, S, T and M xxx