...YES!! We're home!
The kids are a little stir crazy after nearly 6 hours of travel today, but still managed to get excited when they saw that Santa had made a second visit, to our home (as well as calling at Furnace Creek campground)... what lucky rascals!
The journey was pleasantly uneventful. Here are some photo's from the day:
- We noted an impressive number wind-farms along highway 58:

- Before feeling like we were properly re-joining the rat-race on highways 99, 5 and of course the 101:
- Kids were very well behaved and glad to be nearly home (sorry for image quality; iPhone lens was scratched by Death Valley dune sand):
Top quote for today was from the little C-3P0 android that sits on the dash and quotes Star Wars on demand: "Thank the maker!" (very appropriate, given Rosey had made it the whole way without trouble, despite being 19, nearly 20, years old)
To finish, I thought I'd share a couple of photo's I particularly like from our overall trip:
- Sam and Theo admiring rock structure in Death Valley (it was a brief moment! I'm amazed I captured it):
- Mae is pleased with her hiking ability up Golden Canyon in Death Valley (worth a click to enlarge):

That's the end of our travels... for now at least. Thanks for following, as well as the comments and e-mails along the way!
To end on a cliche (I can't help myself), here is a quote from Hemingway: "It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end"
Over and out!!!
P, K, S, T and M xxx